The Topic:
If we're lucky, we wake up every day without thinking about how changes to healthcare laws will impact our daily activities, our finances and our families. Even for those people that are relatively healthy, this may not be the case for much longer. We're coming together with healthcare and community experts to discuss how changes to the Affordable Health Act will impact our personal lives and the communities we live in. Bring questions, concerns, ideas and as always, an empty stomach - while the conversation will be intense, the food and wine will be easy and delicious to digest!
Preparing for the Shalon
Andy Slavitt Wants to Unite America on Health Care
Citizen Perspective: Against Medicaid Expansion (in Maine)
Medicaid Planning: When Ethics Meets Reality
New Life for Medicaid After GOP's Health Care Debacle
Providers back population health management despite Affordable Care Act uncertainty
What Does the Health Bill Mean for Me? (NPR)
Review the Cassidy-Graham Amendment with the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
Senate Republicans Lay Low on the Fourth, or Face Single-Minded Pressure (NYT)
Indiana GOP request for ObamaCare horror stories backfires (The Hill)
For each state, find key data on #Medicaid enrollment & spending
How the Revised Senate Health Bill Could Affect Women’s Health